Only for hustlers who want to start an online business in 2025:
Discover 6 steps to ACTIVATE a "Machine" which sells products for you 24X7, creates sales DAILY on Amazon, and sends you WEEKLY PAYMENTs by Amazon- all with just 30 mins/day to manage!
FINALLY: become a smart digital business owner even if you have limited time, experience, ideas or capital! (No background knowledge needed)
Saturday, 22nd February, 11AM-1PM
Hurry Up! Grab Your Ticket at Flat 80% OFF
I had a job...
But the challenge was, monotonous routine.
I stopped getting the kick out of my work. I used to work long hours, travel daily to work through metro and office cabs.
I didn't see growth beyond a certain point.
And the salary was limited too.
I felt like i can do so much more. I Wasn't Living Upto My Full Potential
think of it like this:
If you have an Iphone with you, would you just use it for phone calls? NO,
you can do so much more with it, you can stream videos, get entertained, play games, learn, build things, click photos, shoot videos- you can do 100s of things with it.
But using it just to make phone calls would be injustice to this brilliant device.
I felt like this Iphone.
I had so much potential, which was UNTAPPED while I was in job...
turning point came when I saw people making money online- just like you've been seeing too!
I fell in love with the idea of Selling products on Amazon!
with just a $1000, I flew to New York and learnt Amazon Selling from the people who made MILLIONs of dollars every month with Amazon selling, they all had their Amazon Selling Machines!
I went DEEP into learning all the principles, strategies, techniques, tools & tricks, after spending 6 months there.
And then, I setup my Amazon Selling Machine.
So, I setup my first Amazon Selling Machine. I selected products and sent them to Amazon Warehouse. I was still nervous, I didn't know whether it would work or not.
I had done my research, so I had my fingers crossed...
But I setup the machine, I turned it ON, and I slept.
I woke up next morning, SHOCKED to see that I got my FIRST SALE!
I freshened up, I noticed that I got my 2nd sale.
Then I rushed to the office, and by then I got Rs 10k worth of sales.
And by the end of the day, I had cracked around 80k worth of sales.
By next day, my entire stock was completely SOLD OUT!
my Amazon Selling Machine just took a life of its own! It started crunching BIG numbers!
Amazon Selling Machine gave me more than just a business, it gave me FREEDOM!
On public demand, we launched seminars and online workshops, teaching my amazon secrets. We were't surprised when all our workshops were sold out and jam packed. Ever since then, I've trained 9000+ people
Would you like to start your amazon business? Would you like to build your own Amazon sales machine? If yes, then I've got something really exciting to offer you!
Yes, it’s a LIVE workshop.
There will be no recordings as it’s a LIVE workshop. Make sure to attend, else you will miss all the learnings from the workshop
you will receive all the bonuses at the end of the webinar
This is BEGINNER FRIENDLY model, anyone who wants to start, can join. Even if you have NO product of your own. Amar shows you how to sell other brands' products on Amazon.
This is ALSO for Existing Amazon Sellers, Online Sellers, D2C Brands, Importers and Manufacturers & Retailers who already have products to sell online and need help to grow sales on Amazon.